so i’ve been using gnome for about a week iirc and here’s me talking about my experience with it

the first day i installed gnome, everything felt silky smooth, i have never seen a Linux desktop this beautiful, i haven’t installed gnome even once on my new PC i got a few months ago, i only installed it on my old laptop and lets say my new PC is a lot more powerful than my old laptop

everything looked so consistent and clean, smooth like i told you before and beautiful, the gnome ecosystem is so big that i can find a gnome circle app for anything, im writing this using Apostrophe, a markdown editor in gnome circle, i switched from KeePassXC (keep ass lmfao) to Secrets, got my weekly backup ready using Pika Backup and i installed all of these using GNOME Software, its “app store” so to say and there’s even a matrix client, Fractal.

But, GNOME’s web browser is lacking, like always. I would switch when extensions are completed and when it gets more privacy features like DNS over HTTPS, etc.

Definitely would recommend.

irrelevant but i didn’t know that my PC case had built in color LEDs, its just that my RGB controller has something wrong with the FAN1 port, i pushed it in a tad bit and the lights started flickering like crazy, push it in even more and its back to normal, and then when i let go it starts flickering or turns off. I connected it to FAN2 and installed OpenRGB and it looked so cool (also when i was doing that i unleashed 10 years of dust from my PC)